Why You Need This Course
No matter what setting you end up working in as a RD, you WILL encounter clients with disordered eating. Unfortunately, we do not learn nearly enough information about how to counsel these individuals in school. This leads many of us feeling stuck and frustrated not knowing how to help. I get it, I have been there!
After taking this course, you will walk away feeling confident and well-equipped to support your clients with eating disorders, at any stage. You will understand how you can help guide them in recovery using specific dietetic interventions. Approved for 8.5 CEU's approved by CDR.
Your Instructor
Taylor Lechner MFN, RD, LD has always had a passion for treating individuals suffering from eating disorders. She graduated from Purdue University with a degree in dietetics, with dual minors in psychology and organizational leadership and supervision. She went on to complete her internship and master's degree at Bowling Green State University, where she focused her research on disordered eating and exercise type. Taylor has an extensive background in eating disorder treatment and has worked in most levels of care including PHP, IOP, and OP.